Over 300 Figures In 60 Seconds
The Figures
Figures of Famous Vents
Jack Beckitt
Walter "Wally" Botley
Joe Boley
John Bouchier
Harry Bowes
Ernest and April Castro
Johnson Clark
Francis Coudrill
Derek & Christie
Billy Davis
Ken Dodd
Jerome "Jerry" Goodspeed
Bob Isaacson
Sandy Powell
Steve Hewlett
D. E. Osborn
Sandy Powell
Dorothy Rankin
Astor Sven
James Tattersal
Keith Ventress
W.E. Whittle
Famous Figure Builders
John Arrives
Dan Batton "Batton Buddies"
Bob Bellamy
Colonel Bill Boley
Walter "Wally Botley
Professor Bourne
Harry Bowes
John P.K. Brunner "Popcon Theatre
Gregg Claasen
Jack Coats
Colonel Cobb
Francis Coudrill
Clinton Detweiler
Geoff Felix
Brant Gilmore
Jeff Goltz
Barry Gordimer
Cecil Gough
Ray Guyll
Brian Hamilton
Conrad Hartz
Steve Hurst
Stephen Meryl Kilgore
Bob Isaacson
Leonard Insull Senior
Leonard Insull Jr.
Pinxy Larson
Dan Lavendar
Craig Lovik
Theodore Mack
Frank Marshall
Bill Nelson
Howie Olson
Darryl OSher
Peter Pullon
Arthur Quisto
Finis Robinson
Gordon Ross
W.H.J. Shaw
Rogers & Sons
James "Jimmy" Tattersall
Fred Tinkner
The Collection
Vintage Ventriloquism At It's Best!
A performer, builder and collector of Vintage Ventriloquism
Tonya's passion has led to a special collection
"I believe Vintage Figures come with their character built in.
They always have a story and I try to find, preserve and share it.
They are total treasures and I treasure them." Tonya Traylor